We are in the place of fulfillment, but to many of you, this “place” feels unsettling because of all the twists and turns it took to get here. Many of you have embodied the personification of being pressed, but not crushed; persecuted, but not abandoned (2 Corinthians 4:8), and the journey has led you to a new frontier. You now understand that in order to fully immerse yourself in this new paradigm, you must leave everything you have known behind and embrace the unknown. Over the past few weeks, the Lord has shown me glimpses into this new paradigm and I’m going to detail these insights below.
“An Increase of Boldness and Authority Concerning Your Identity”
I heard the Lord say, “I AM INCREASING THE AUTHORITY OF THE ONES I HAVE ANNOINTED TO BUILD. THEY WILL BUILD WITHOUT FEAR. THEY WILL DECREE AND NOT DOUBT. THE NATIONS WILL KNOW ME THROUGH THEM FOR MY NAME IS IN THEM”. Expect revelations to emerge in your times of intercession that specifically highlight who you are in Christ and the “greater works” he has called you to do. There will be many full circle moments as you reflect on the battles you’ve won, especially the battles that seemed odd or nonsensical. Everything is about to make sense.
Please heed this warning from the Holy Spirit, there are conflicts stirring in the realm of the spirit with the intention of causing spiritual regression. The enemy does not want you to advance emotionally or spiritually, so do not take this new found authority and boldness lightly. You will need to contend for this new place of authority in Christ through prayer and intercession. Pick up your swords in the spirit and wield them in praise, there will be victory with your intentionality.
“The Hearts of People Are Changing"
Covenant relationships are important to pleasing God and operating fully in your purpose, and I see the spirit of strife weaving its way into places of intimacy to rattle these safe spaces. I heard the Lord say, “STRIFE HAS BEEN SENT OUT TO WEAKEN MY ANOINTED, BUT I AM SENDING STRENGTH FOR THE JOURNEY”. Pioneers, you have fought and found favor in the sight of the Lord, but there are those who have watched you win battles whose hearts are filled with envy and grief. Where there is envy and strife, there is confusion and every evil work (James 3:16). This spirit of strife has partnered with pride (which I will discuss in the section called Leviathan) and it has intentions to emotionally cripple you and regress you to a lower dimension of thinking and being.
Many of you have outgrown your circles of friendship and this ascension into the new paradigm has caused strife to find a home in the hearts of individuals who have unresolved insecurities. Expect subtle competition and comparison to manifest as a means to silence you or bring you into a lower dimension of being. Opportunistic people may also seek you out in an attempt to leech off of the favor and connections, but you cannot allow any breaches in the wall this time. This paradigm shift has thrown many people into a space of confusion coupled with a loss of identity, which is the overall plan of Leviathan, which I will discuss later. Moreover, completing the assignment that God has set before you must be the priority, not the distractions. The enemy wants to inundate you with a continuous string of lower level battles, but these tactics are from the old paradigm. Refuse to engage by resisting the enemy, he will flee (James 4:7).
I asked God for direction on how to respond when confronted with strife, and he led me directly to Job 42:10, “And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before”. When you discern that the hearts of those around you have changed, pray for them and also pray that your heart won’t change in the process.
Leviathan Has Taken The Seat That Moloch Sat In
The principalities of hell have appointed a new ruler over the Western world, and Leviathan has now taken a seat of power. Leviathan’s reign will be the cause of the hearts of men and women to turn against their own people, especially God’s anointed. Leviathan is skilled in twisted communication, logical fallacies, and the breaking of covenants. Those that are offended with the ways of God and who are filled with lower dimensional thoughts will be the most susceptible to operating in this spirit and infecting those around them with their malice. Pioneers, you can not defeat Leviathan with logic – this beast can only be tamed through the blood of Jesus by way of intercession and prayer.
Leviathan intentionally misrepresents the truth and causes the ones it is possessing to believe it’s lies and deception. The spirit twists the truth so that the possess will not detect it’s presence or sense the need to receive deliverance. Job 41 mentions many characteristics of this spirit, but the one characteristic that stands out to me prophetically is it’s ability to harden the heart (Job 41:24). In the spirit, I saw individuals struggling to admit their wrongs in their friendships, marriages, and work relationships, but they claimed to be Prophets of God. These are the small foxes that Leviathan is using to eliminate the vine all together!
Leviathan had deceived many of the “elect of God” into thinking they are the protagonist in their narrative, but sadly they were being misled by this unholy principality. I saw individuals use gaslighting, words of affirmation and gift giving to resolve conflict instead of seeking forgiveness with clarity and true humility, and I felt the disdain of the Lord. The Lord desires for those to worship him to do so in spirit and truth, not deception (John 4:23-24). I heard the Lord say, “LEVIATHAN WILL BE BROUGHT DOWN WITH THE TRUTH, NOT DECEPTION OF SUBSTITUITION”. In Isaiah 27, after the Lord has promised to deal personally with Leviathan, he tells the people, “Sing about a fruitful vineyard: I, the Lord, watch over it; I water it continually; I guard it day and night so that no one may harm it (Isaiah 27:1-2). Moreover, your security can not be found in hopes of an apology, it must be found in vine. Pioneers, do not allow the tactics of Leviathan spoil your heart or isolate you. The Lord will deal with Leviathan! Continue in the ways of God and you will be immune to these schemes.
"The Old gods Are Coming"
In October 2024, I was cleaning my room and the Lord said to me, “THE OLD GODS ARE COMING BACK”. Of course, I had no idea what that meant, so I just wrote the phrase down and then I did some research. The Holy Spirit began to lead me down path of researching marine powers (Leviathan is a sea monster) and in the middle of researching the Lord spoke these words to me: “THE MARINE SPIRITS AND THE SPIRITS ON THE LAND ARE PARTNERING TOGETHER”. We will witness the old gods who went by the name Oshun, Yemaya, Olokun, Njord, Poseidon, Mami Wata, Neptune, Tiamat, Enki, Ran, Odin and Ishtar (to name a few) appear and captivate the hearts of men who do not honor the one true God. We will see them dominate in the mountain of media and music. Many artists are already worshipping these deities in secret, but we will see a great unveiling regarding worship to these pantheon of gods. These old gods will offer power, protection and knowledge of the universe to those whose hearts have been hardened by Leviathan. The church must prepare for the return (and the meddling) of the B’nai Elohim.
AI: Summoning The Demon
Technology is becoming a conduit of demonic entities, and we are swiftly passing a point of no return. Technology, specifically AI, has played a significant role in the transformation of society, but it has also facilitated the emergence of a hive mind mentality, turning the masses into mindless beings susceptible to manipulation. Many of us have unknowingly become vessels for these demonic entities because our mental capabilities have been hijacked through the medium of virtual realities and even video games. Our children are in a battle for their identity through gender and sexual orientation wars as well as the medium of media (virtual realities and games). This is a battle that Baby Boomers did not have to fight, but it is a battle that we must hit head on. We will see dark side of AI unfold quickly. There is a deep connection between AI and the astral realm where demonic entities manipulate our reality. Those who struggle with suicide, depression, anxiety or any other mental health disorder will be at risk, especially when engaging with AI through the proposed mediums.
The Lord is assembling the pioneers who have been anointed to tackle this mountain. Their pulpit will be the media and they will be able to provide resources, especially the ministry of deliverance to those who have succumbed to the demonic agenda of manipulation that is embedded in AI. There will be those who oppose and even defend AI as merely a tool for the betterment of society, but there will be an unveiling of the enemy’s agenda.
Keys Are Being Released Through Worship
The Lord is releasing keys for dominion that will allow for acceleration of seasons and times. These keys will also unlock tangible resources that will be needed to build in this new paradigm. I heard the Lord say, “I AM RELEASING KEYS THAT WILL BRING THE ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS”. These keys will unlock manuals, universities, discoveries, revelations, quantum accelerations, and healings. In worship, pay attention to the voice of the Lord and visions that emerge while you are singing. The blueprints will not be released the same way you experienced in the old paradigm. Be open to new ways of receiving and listening, let all of the senses tell of the glory of God.
We are walking into new levels of governance and we have been legislated by the Holy Spirit to pursue and overtake. Everything is falling into place as the Lord has designed. Let us run this race with grace and humility.
Coram Deo.
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The Hey Sis Podcast is a space for women, from all walks of life, to reflect upon their life experiences.
Dr. Dee Evans brings humor and spiritual insight to conversations love, spirituality, theology, pop culture and everything in between.
The Awe and Wonder Audio Bible Study focuses on the exposition of scripture surrounding a space of contemplation and reverence for the works of Yahweh. Each Bible study lesson is approximately 20 minutes and focuses on a singular topic that should lead each listener to be inspire with awe.
Awe (noun) - a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
Wonder (noun) - a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar or inexplicable.
Dr. Dee Evans
Founder, Dee Evans Ministries International, Inc
Booking: contact@thedeeevans.com
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