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Welcome to the Promised Land: A Word for Influencers and Visionaries

Influencers defy boxes that society and religion will attempt to place on them. Influencers are designers, nurse practitioners, kitchen beauticians, lawyers, members of five fold ministry, etc. Typically, influencers do not have to create a platform for themselves because God has already set the stage.

For influencers, the warfare is never about their abilities because with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Their warfare always surrounds seasons of promotion, opposition with the spirit of intimidation and obedience.


I’ve been writing immensely about promotion because I can literally feel it in the air. Influencers are experiencing promotion and while this should be an exciting time, this season also requires a succession of cumulative tests. Do not be surprised if you have to war against internal struggles and contrary spirits that you thought you had already overcome. It’s just a test.

While you are probably excited about sharing your plans for 2020 and beyond with others, be cautious. The season of promotion in YOUR life will trigger insecurities in others. This does not mean that you should refrain from flexing, because you’ve earned it, this means that you should be realistic about the people in your circle and circumference.

If you keep certain individuals around to feel better about yourself, those relationships are going to become toxic and emotionally draining. Make sure to take responsibility for your actions in prayer. Repent to God and ask for guidance and deliverance concerning your need to “belittle” to feel “better”.

If you allow certain individuals to remain around you and you know for a fact that they are not for you, they will eliminate themselves through senseless drama. Don’t be surprised when your enemies team up against you through passive aggressive activity. Just keep in mind, THIS IS A TEST. You will outlive every sinister thought, passive aggressive gesture, meme or sabotage that was sent to hurt you.

Nothing will harm you.

No one will harm you.

The individuals that God has assigned to your life for this season and the next will have your back privately and publicly. Trust this.

Spirit of Intimidation

One of the tactics of the enemy in spiritual warfare against the saints is to remain as anonymous as possible. During the Cold War, double agents inflicted huge amounts of damage because the system was being destabilized from inside. The enemy was hidden, unseen and was striking without warning. The weapon of deflection is how the enemy allows believers to be at odds with each other instead of practicing forgiveness and walking through the process of healing.

As an influencer, you have to remember that you will encounter individuals who are jealous of who and what you have, and they don’t realize it. Undisciplined church people hide jealousy through passive aggressive behavior and subliminal postings. Some will even form a support group with other jealous people to feel better about their malicious thoughts towards you and others like you. Do not allow their immaturity to provoke you. Do not allow the spirit of pride to convince you that you need to defend yourself.

Here are some examples of jealousy infused passive aggressive behavior:

  • Wistful Statements

“I wish I had that”.

“I wish I could buy clothes like that, but all my money goes to rent”

Comments like these (perhaps intentionally) make the receiver feel guilty for getting or doing whatever it is that they can’t.

  • Backhanded Comments

Jealousy and passive aggression also join forces. Instead of an individual conveying happiness for your success, instead the person will intentionally be rude.

For example: if you buy a house and your friend, whose nowhere near a down payment, calls your place a good “fixer-upper”....think twice.

Now, some individuals are slick (in other words they are in rebellion and ignorance), these are the ones that have plotting in their hand against you. They honestly don’t mean for the jealous and/or passive aggressive comments in their head to come out of their mouth. These individuals will only make backhanded comments when no one else is looking to avoid being exposed.

If you catch yourself doing this, apologize verbally. Pride comes to destroy more than just seasonal relationships. Trust, it’s better to acknowledge your misstep (and biblical) — than mistakenly assume that no one caught it.

Proverbs 12:22

The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

Ephesians 4:29

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

I personally coach and mentor influencers who choose the background to avoid confrontation. This grieves my spirit because I use to do the exact same thing. My words have always has had the ability to cut like a sword, but in a desire to keep the peace, I would step back, but no more. The Lord spoke so clearly to me two years through an anointed woman of God and she said, “The enemy is afraid of you”.

Influencers, do not shrink back. The enemy is literally afraid that you will advance, so terrify him! Do not be afraid. Jezebel spirits will always accuse the prophets/influencers of their own ungodly characteristics. Be bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1). This spirit of intimidation and fear is raising itself up like a Goliath because there is a crossing over taking place right now. You are transitioning into everything you’ve dreamed about. You are moving into a new land of inheritance. Welcome to the promise land.

Mobilization and Obedience

This is the time to turn your journal into an action plan. Use your time wisely. The things you dreamed about over the past three years need to be rehearsed and relayed to the people that God has assigned to assist you. The thing(s) that God has placed in you will have a regional impact. Get ready for the influx.

God is requiring immediate obedience. Saying “yes” is not enough. God is requiring action and movement. Many influencers are operating in a grace that God has bestowed upon them that is reaching it’s end for this season. You can not afford to miss this window of opportunity. No more wallowing. Ride this wind of the spirit into this next place.

Hello promised land.



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