I don’t have a specific phrase to correspond with what I sense in the spirit regarding the year of 2025. However, I am confident that 2025 will be a year that distinctively reflects the changing of the guards.
Old Systems
2024 signified the ending of an age, and now we will witness systems fail miserably that were not in alignment with the will of God. The old system that celebrated pulpit prostitutes, pacified Ahabs and Jezebels, bullied people into submission, and taught a false doctrine based on biblical illiteracy and selfish motives has been dismantled at the root. Unfortunately, we will see more exposures emerge from within secular and religious institutions who are abusing individuals sexually, emotionally, mentally and spiritually in the name of God, money, and power. These old systems will be brought down low and will not be rebuilt. This “new beginning” will cause hope to arise in the hearts of the sons of daughters of God. On the contrary, this will be a nightmare for those who have gained fame and relevance at the expense of the wandering hearts of people.
In the previous blog, “Insights On This New Paradigm”, I expounded on the tactics of Leviathan. To briefly summarize, the spirit of Leviathan misrepresents the truth and causes the ones it is possessing to believe it’s lies and deception. There will be an unprecedented backlash from those individuals oppressed by Leviathan because they have been deceived into thinking that they have a right to their seat of power. I heard the Lord use the word “unravel” as I prayed into this revelation. The dismantling of the old systems will cause an unraveling that we need to be prepared for spiritually. I urge you, do not underestimate the lengths that these demonic principalities, especially Leviathan, will go to in order to retaliate.
Leviathan whispers heinous thoughts into the hearts who have already been led astray by envy, greed, pride, trauma, rejection, etc. A battle with Leviathan and the demonic principalities behind these old systems can become nasty and drawn out. Many have become unnecessary causalities of spiritual warfare while trying to war against Leviathan, but the Lord is stepping in as Yahweh Sabaoth. This battle will not be won through arguments or fist fights, but through allowing Yahweh to deal with it himself. We will see signs and wonders emerge on an unprecedented level as Yahweh demonstrates his sovereignty over every power (Exodus 14:13). We will see the splendor of the “King of Kings” and the “Lord of Lords”, and he doesn’t lose battles.
2 Chronicles 20:15 ESV
And he said, “Listen, all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: Thus says the Lord to you, ‘Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God's.
Psalm 111:3
Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever.
A Blank Slate Called “Wonder”.
We are being called into a space of awe and wonder that can be interpreted as a “blank slate”. The possibilities are limitless and our destinies are unfolding right before our eyes. As we intentionally gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, we will be left in wonder. In past seasons, we turned our gaze to the small foxes that spoil the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15), but through the dismantling of the old systems and manifestation of this paradigm, we’ve been given a blank slate.
The threats of Jezebel have been silenced.
The Abasaloms have been dethroned and removed.
The bullies have been served a spiritual cease and desist.
Scarcity has been disconnected.
The generational curses have been broken.
Breathe the fresh air that accompanies this paradigm shift and lean in fully to this new thing. It is a place of the unknown, but it is beautiful.
Psalm 96:6-9 ESV
Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength! Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts! Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth!
The Clarification of Assignments
As you enter into the presence of God, the blank slate will begin to take form. The Lord is removing the lies of the enemy that create a narrative of delay and unworthiness over your destiny so that you can receive more clarity concerning your assignment in the earth. Many of you were brainwashed by controlling spirits that contained your potential and misused you for their personal gain, but that era is gone. Now is the time to ask God about the specificities of your assignment in the earth. Be prepared to leave old assignments behind, you can’t take them into the new place. The old garments that smelled of trauma, rejection, and lack have been stripped from you by the power of the Holy Spirit. Leave those grave clothes in the closet and put on your new garments as a prophetic act. As you come into full agreement with your identity with Christ, you will receive more clarity about the “blank slate” and all the building materials you will need for this era.
As the Holy Spirit brings more clarity to you about your assignment, you will also come into a greater level of understanding about weight of this shift. You will not be able to go along with the usual or remain content with operating outside of your calling. Now is the time to:
Shift careers.
Move to the new city.
Launch the ministry.
Create the online program.
Identify yourself properly (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Teach, Pastor)
Start the organization.
Build the Brand.
The clarity that you will receive is a gift from God, use it well.
Deliverance from Fear and Intimidation
You will no longer fear the giants that cross your path, you have been delivered from the spirit of fear and intimidation. You have seen the might of God through his hand of deliverance, he has no equal. When God asks you to take more territory, do not fear the risks, only remember who is on your side.
Psalm 27:1-2 ESV
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When evildoers assail me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall.
Coram Deo.
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The Hey Sis Podcast is a space for women, from all walks of life, to reflect upon their life experiences.
Dr. Dee Evans brings humor and spiritual insight to conversations love, spirituality, theology, pop culture and everything in between.
The Awe and Wonder Audio Bible Study focuses on the exposition of scripture surrounding a space of contemplation and reverence for the works of Yahweh. Each Bible study lesson is approximately 20 minutes and focuses on a singular topic that should lead each listener to be inspire with awe.
Awe (noun) - a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
Wonder (noun) - a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar or inexplicable.
Dr. Dee Evans
Founder, Dee Evans Ministries International, Inc
Booking: contact@thedeeevans.com
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